10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Terry Gordy

1. VICE Handles His Wrestling Career Well

Dark Side Of The Ring Terry Gordy

Last week's 'Dark Side' episode on Buff Bagwell skirted over much of his in-ring career. There was a real lack of balance to the documentary because of that, but VICE redeemed themselves with this Terry Gordy retrospective. Obviously, most of the time is dedicated to talking about Terry’s family and wild life on the road, but ‘Dark Side’ also puts over how much of an impact Terry Gordy made on pro wrestling.

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Von Erichs from WCCW is explored, and so is Terry’s Miracle Violence Connection tag-team with Steve Williams; there’s also time to talk about him becoming the first American to win All Japan’s Triple Crown, his time in ECW, and the sad WWF run from the mid-90s. It’s nice to see Gordy’s legacy honoured properly here.

The doc reeks of class despite the controversial topic.

That isn't always something one can say about these shows, so VICE should be pleased with their work. Gordy's love for his family comes across, but he was just a flawed guy who gave in to his addictions. Although that's upsetting, Terry left an imprint on the wrestling industry that lives on in his absence.

VICE nailed that side of things.

What did you think of the latest 'Dark Side Of The Ring' episode? For more wrestling, check out 10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Buff Bagwell and WWE 2K24: 10 Worst Looking Characters


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.