10 Things We Learned From Jerry Lawler On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

2. Those Toupee Jokes Were Vince’s Idea

Vince McMahon Commentary
WWE Network

Despite having the most chemistry with Jim Ross, Lawler dearly loved working alongside Vince McMahon on commentary. The pair shared natural banter, and Jerry was left stunned by the boss man's willingness to rip the living p*ss out of himself.

'Poke fun at my hair. They'll like that', he told his co-commentator.

That's right - those toupee jokes were McMahon's idea, not Lawler's. In fact, he'd often remind Jerry to say something about his fake-looking hair during broadcasts, then hold onto his barnet like the 'King' might rip it off his head. Vince McMahon loves a bit of self-deprecation, apparently.

Lawler said that Vince personally told him how fond he was of his work too. That might be why he didn't bark instructions down the headset at Jerry. His co-workers weren't so lucky; JR would complain about the amount of chatter coming at him, but Lawler didn't hear a thing.


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