10 Things We Learned From Kenny Omega On Talk Is Jericho

5. Jericho Shouted At The Match Referee For Forgetting The Rules

Chris Jericho Kenny Omega

The freedom of having no rules whatsoever appealed to both Jericho and Omega once the feud starting developing and hype increased online for their WK12 match. Keeping psychology solid proved troublesome though, and Jericho even admitted to having a few run-ins with the match referee.

This isn't the first time Y2J has done this. Back in March, 2016, he argued onscreen with WWE ref Charles Robinson minutes after Neville had broken his ankle during a Raw match. It seems Mr. Jericho gets quite heated when the red light comes on. Don't feel too sorry for that Red Shoes, however; he was to blame at Wrestle Kingdom.

When Jericho locked Omega in the Walls Of Jericho early in the match, the Bullet Club man made it to the ropes. The referee, following normal match rules, started counting and encouraging Jericho to break the hold. That's when Chris fired back with a cry of, "it's No DQ, jackass".



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.