10 Things We Learned From Kenny Omega On Talk Is Jericho

4. Jericho Was Concerned About New Japan's Tables

Chris Jericho Kenny Omega

Regular WWE fans watching a New Japan show for the first time may have noticed something strange at Wrestle Kingdom 12. Those wide, flimsy tables we see on Raw, SmackDown and beyond? Yeah, they don't really exist in NJPW. That worried Chris Jericho throughout his match with Omega.

Deep into the match, Jericho knew he'd have to take a back bump from a corner turnbuckle and crash through a conveniently-placed table below. In WWE, that wouldn't be a problem, because the wood is often rigged to break easily when bodies fall from height. By comparison, the tables used in Tokyo were around two inches thick and hadn't been prepared the same way.

The bump looked great, so Jericho had nothing to worry about in the end - but that didn't stop him from mentally fretting that he'd collapse on top of the wood and bounce off it. If you watch the match again, it's obvious that Jericho throws himself down hard rather than falling to protect his body.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.