10 Things We Learned From Kevin Nash On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast
3. “This Will Make News”
That subheading is a direct quote from Kevin Nash to Bischoff when DX "invaded" the Norfolk Scope on 27 April '98. According to Kevin, both he and Scott Hall were arguing with Bisch about the need to go out and confront Triple H's crew.
Eric was having none of that.
He gave the idea a big thumbs down, which infuriated Nash. Both Outsiders opined that strolling out onto Raw and telling DX to hit the bricks would create headlines on national news, and that generous press would reflect well on WCW because they weren't the ones provoking their major rivals in the first place.
Bischoff wouldn't back down though. A frustrated Nash sniped, "Why? Because they're already beating us [in the ratings]?". That might seem like a d*ckhead line to say on the surface, but Kev couldn't understand why Eric would shy away from the WWF's ratings ploy without taking a chunk of the spotlight for himself.