10 Things We Learned From Miro/Rusev On Talk Is Jericho

2. What Paul Heyman Told Him About His Last WWE Angle

Lana Lashley Rusev

Miro was pulled in two different directions during that love triangle story with Lana and Bobby Lashley last year. Paul Heyman was the one who called him at home, and the then-Raw Executive Director seemed excited about where the story could go. That's why he told Rusev that it could be one of 'Mania 36's "main events".


At first, Miro wasn't sold on the storyline. However, he was intrigued to see how far WWE would be willing to take things, and he told them he'd do his best to turn it into something fans were invested in. Rusev didn't account for the differences in opinion between Heyman and McMahon.

Paul E wanted Miro to play a carefree character who had finally split from his bitch wife. Meanwhile, Vince thought Rusev should be heartbroken about losing Lana. Those two booking strategies clashed and left Miro feeling cold about the whole ordeal.

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