10 Things We Learned From Miro/Rusev On Talk Is Jericho

3. WWE Fined Him For A Dark Match Spot

Rusev Day

Rusev worked a post-SmackDown dark match tag with Aiden English and Baron Corbin against The Usos and AJ Styles shortly before WrestleMania 34. Everyone agreed to weave some comedy into the thing, but that ended up costing them all some cash. WWE were not happy about the giggles.

Miro told Jericho that he took a superkick from the referee that night. Then, the ref pinned him, AJ put on some stripes, counted a near fall (Rusev kicked out) and they all had a good laugh because the camera were off. When they returned backstage, producers told Miro that he would've been fired had he not powered out on two.

He couldn't believe it.

Vince had left the building by that point, but other members of management imposed fines for the dark match 'ha ha' spot. Nobody was exempt - Rusev, AJ, The Usos, Corbin, English and the referee in question all had to pay.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.