10 Things We Learned From Miro/Rusev On Talk Is Jericho

9. Why He "Felt Scared" Earlier This Year

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One conversation amongst friends pushed Miro out.

Privately, he and "around 10" coworkers began worrying about how WWE were treating them mid-pandemic. Of course, management still had to iron out a lot of things and barely knew what was going on themselves, but Miro told Jericho he didn't really feel safe in the company.

In fact, he felt kinda' "scared", and he began thinking about how he could protect both himself and his mates. Someone leaked details on that conversation to the WWE office, and that's when Miro knew there'd be trouble; he could see plain as day that he'd get the blame for stirring sh*t.

When Mark Carrano (from Talent Relations) called to let Miro know he was being released, the wrestler saw red and "lashed out". All his frustrations bubbled to the surface, and he ranted at Carrano for a good five minutes before calming down.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.