10 Things We Learned From Miro/Rusev On Talk Is Jericho

8. He Reached Out To Jericho A Year Ago

Chris Jericho AEW

Rusev was delighted when AEW launched despite his status as a WWE veteran. He told Jericho that it made him happy to think there was another viable, full-time place for guys and girls to find work outside Vinnie Mac's walls. Plus, he was already unhappy with WWE life by that point.

So, Miro texted Jericho to see if he'd have a spot in AEW. Chris said yes, but asked how long his friend's WWE contract had left to run. When a reply of, "two-three years" came back, Jericho said that Miro had "no chance" of convincing McMahon to cut him free. It just wasn't going to happen.

He was right.

Regardless, Miro knew that he'd end up in AEW someday. It was only a matter of time, because he'd long-since decided that he wanted out. There's a fascinating story about Rusev trying (and failing) to engineer a WWE release in 2017 at this point in the pod.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.