10 Things We Learned From Miro/Rusev On Talk Is Jericho

7. Rusev Was The Only WWE Release Tony Khan Wanted

Rusev WWE

Jericho went to bat for Miro with Tony Khan.

When news broke that WWE were releasing a ton of talents, 'Le Champion' sat down with Tony and said he could be the middle man if AEW really fancied signing anyone released. Immediately, Khan said that he was interested in Rusev. That was all Jericho needed to hear.

He did admit that there was another guy (Jericho wouldn't say who) that caught Tony's attention, but Rusev was his number one pick. Miro was the only one AEW seriously pursued, and Khan trusted Jericho when he said the Bulgarian was one hell of a worker and an all-round great human being.

It's interesting that Tony had seemingly already made up his mind about Miro before hearing from Jericho. Khan is a self-confessed hardcore wrestling fan, and he'd enjoyed a lot of Rusev's work in WWE. Miro was flattered by that.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.