10 Things We Learned From Miro/Rusev On Talk Is Jericho

5. Why He Loves John Cena

Rusev John Cena I Quit

There's a lot of love for John Cena on the podcast.

Miro, as Rusev, praised his old rival's ability to call things on the fly. When the pair began working together, Cena asked, "What are your four moves?". Then, after hearing some spots, he calmly stated, "OK, I'll see you in the ring". Miro thought that was cool as hell.

He described JC as someone who is "so good", and Jericho agreed. Miro is also thankful that Cena took the time to work with him rather than stomping all over his status as a dominating heel. There were several times when John deliberately changed things so that Rusev would look like a bigger threat.

It's great to hear how appreciative Miro is. Both he and Jericho couldn't speak highly enough of Cena's work ethic, his attention to detail or how he uses his influence behind the scenes to try and help others. This portion of the pod is worth listening to.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.