10 Things We Learned From Miro/Rusev On Talk Is Jericho

4. "I'm Going Over, Right?"

The Undertaker Rusev

Rusev didn't know what to say when Vince McMahon pulled him into his office and said WWE were setting up a match with The Undertaker in Saudi Arabia. Miro, bless him, thought that was a rib and replied, "I'm going over though, right?". Vince just glared at him.

Later, Road Dogg asked why he'd throw such an opportunity back in the boss's face. Rusev was baffled, because he thought the whole thing was a joke - it wasn't, which he'd find out soon enough. He "felt bad" for playing when McMahon thought he'd be super-excited.

The whole Greatest Royal Rumble thing was a debacle though; WWE changed it to 'Taker vs. Chris Jericho, then back to Rusev when Jericho inked a deal with New Japan. Miro admits he was seriously bummed out when they made the initial switch, and thought Vince was just angry with him.

Lesson #1: Don't reach for the rib first.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.