10 Things We Learned From Raven On Stone Cold's Podcast

2. He Doesn't Think Wrestlers Use The DDT Correctly

dean ambrose tornado ddt sheamus smackdown

Watch any old Raven match ending with his trademark Even Flow DDT and you'll notice the speed with which he drops to his back. That was by design, because Raven wanted to sell the sudden impact of the move like Jake Roberts had before him.

Today, Levy believes a lot of wrestlers use the DDT poorly. It's just a high spot rather than anything meaningful. When Austin pressed Raven on why he has issues with this, he said most try to perform it at an awkward angle rather than simply relying on the illusion of a 'short ride, sudden stop' (again lifted from a Roberts promo in the WWF).

Raven has a point here. It's not uncommon to see a vicious-looking DDT act as a link spot to something bigger in WWE matches. This is true even when the move is performed outside the ring, which should theoretically make it more dangerous than inside.

To Levy, the magic surrounding the DDT has vanished.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.