10 Things We Learned From Roman Reigns On WWE’s After The Bell

6. Reigns Has A Gripe With Some Of WWE's Roster

Roman Reigns talks drug test

It was probably hard for Reigns to get off the wagon and spend some downtime at home. He'd been running so hard for so long that WWE's schedule was his life. That's why, when Roman hears wrestlers whining about being a top guy and receiving more opportunities, he shakes his head.

Most of them, to him, don't want to put the necessary work in to be a top star.

Reigns told Corey that the travel, media days, actual wrestling, meet and greets, phone calls from the boss and more can be wearying, so if you're not prepared to put up with that complete dominance of your life then you should shut the hell up. Nobody can argue with that.

Roman seemed to be unhappy that some ("not all", he added) in WWE are whinging about something they wouldn't do anyway. He said it's fine if somebody doesn't want to sacrifice so much, because even the social media aspect of modern life is "always on".

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Roman Reigns
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