10 Things We Learned From Roman Reigns On WWE’s After The Bell

7. He Wanted To Wrestle Through Cancer Treatments

Roman Reigns Raw 22 October

On 22 October 2018, Roman bravely stood before the entire wrestling world on Raw and informed everyone that he'd gone into remission. Leukaemia had hit him hard for a second time, and he'd have to both relinquish the Universal belt and walk away from WWE to recover.

Incredibly, Reigns told Corey that he would've kept wrestling had his spleen not enlarged and made that terribly dangerous. At one point, the man was toying with the idea of exploring a part-time schedule that'd let him continue working when he could whilst still getting treatment for his cancer.

Doctors told him it wasn't possible.

Graves couldn't believe that somebody would be willing to put themselves through that. Not only did Roman have to pick up the pieces mentally and keep his family strong, he also must've been worried about his physical well-being long-term too.

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Roman Reigns
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