10 Things We Learned From Seth Rollins On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast
7. His Ballsy Remarks About NXT
Regular viewers of Austin's 'Broken Skull Sessions' will know that the icon is fond of wrestlers standing up for themselves and being hard-headed about business. That's something he tried to be during his prime, and he seemed to get a kick out of hearing that Seth Rollins was exactly the same from day one.
During the NXT days (but after his run-ins with Terry Taylor that almost got him canned), Seth approached Triple H and said they should give him the fledgling new title or "who knows where the brand will be in a couple of years". 'Stone Cold' loved how ballsy that was, and looked on with a smile as Rollins recanted the tale.
His moxie worked.
Seth told Hunter to forget Taylor's distaste for his outspoken style and run with him as the linchpin of this offshoot WWE brand. Apparently, Trips loved that arrogance too, because the company went with Rollins as NXT's top guy and crowned him the show's first champ after all.