10 Things We Learned From Something Else To Wrestle With: WrestleMania 14

6. HBK Demanded Protection From WWE

Stone Cold Steve Austin Shawn michaels

A "Public Workout" WWE put together to hype WrestleMania XIV almost ended up irking Shawn Michaels to the point of a meltdown.

Prichard claims the company had only been expecting around 3/4,000 people to show up. Imagine their shock then when approx 15,000 converged on the outdoor space in Boston to see D-Generation X, Steve Austin and Mike Tyson. Things threatened to get out of hand and HBK was intimidated when one member of the rowdy crowd hurled a battery his way.

Marching out of the ring and into a nearby limo, Michaels told Bruce, Shane McMahon and others that he wasn't willing to put himself at risk any longer. Suddenly, the planned shot of Shawn and Tyson tangling Austin up in the ropes and planting a kiss on either side of his head was in jeopardy.

Shawn later returned to the ring and WWE got their shot, but he demanded afterwards that the company give him some protection for WrestleMania in case the fans went overboard at ringside.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.