10 Things We Learned From Something Else To Wrestle With: WrestleMania 14

2. HBK Was Unhappy About The Post-Show Press Conference

Shane McMahon Shawn Michaels
WWE Network

Once the show was over with, WWE organised a hasty press conference to flaunt Steve Austin as the new champ. Austin was the centrepiece, and both Mike Tyson and Vince McMahon made in-character appearances to back him up. Shawn Michaels was conspicuous by his absence, and that didn't sit well with the ex-champion.

Turning up unannounced, HBK made a scene and tore Shane McMahon a new one verbally before leaving in a bad mood.

Shawn's feeling was that WWE had already moved on from him. He wanted to be featured, maybe to put over the fact that he'd be going away for a while or potentially retiring. Prichard, McMahon and other management disagreed. To them, it was all about pressing forward with Austin.

It's not hard to see Shawn's point of view. In spite of his tendency to throw toys from his proverbial pram, he must have been feeling vulnerable at that point. Post-WrestleMania XIV, he didn't know what his future had in store.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.