10 Things We Learned From The Godfather On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

8. Vince McMahon Made Him Cover Tattoos

The Godfather Steve Austin Broken Skull Sessions
WWE Network/Pro Wrestling Illustrated

McMahon only had one problem.

Wright had a gigantic tattoo on his chest from his old motorcycle club days. It was a patch, and Vince wasn't prepared to show it on television. He was likely concerned when Charles informed his boss that the gang was called "The Thugs". Gotta' give them points for honesty, if nothing else.

WWE, via Pro Wrestling Illustrated, aired an early promo shot of Wright from his Memphis days at this point in the interview. He was known as 'The Soultaker' in that territory, and the ink was shown front and centre in his snaps. That violent history wasn't something Vince was particularly keen on showcasing.

Wright got the tatt darkened and then eventually covered up with some other patterns. He was pretty happy to toss those old days on the scrap heap anyway; he'd moved on since running with biker gangs, and it wouldn't exactly fit the Papa Shango character.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.