10 Things We Learned From VICE’s Dark Side Of The Ring: Jimmy Snuka

4. How The Investigation Restarted In 2013

VICE Dark Side Of The Ring Jimmy Snuka Nancy Argentino

That seemed to be that, and the case was officially closed down until a few decades later.

In 2013, journalists got their hands on the Argentino family's wrongful death lawsuit, and that's when they stumbled upon some key information that'd re-open the investigation. Journos were amazed to find that the document included Nancy's never-before-released autopsy report, one that featured several huge revelations.

Dr. Mihalakis, the man staging the autopsy, wrote that the "magnitude of the injuries may even be suggestive of 'mate' abuse", but it was his final line that had everyone buzzing. "In view the autopsy findings and the discrepancies in the clinical history, I believe that the case should be investigated as a homicide until proven otherwise", he said. That was massive to the case.

Adam Clark, who worked for a small town newspaper in Allentown and had been charged with writing a 30-year anniversary story on the incident, couldn't believe what he was reading. This info would blow things wide open all over again.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.