10 Things We Learned From VICE’s Dark Side Of The Ring: Jimmy Snuka

3. Jimmy Would "Sign Papers" Without Reading Them

Jimmy Snuka

There's a brief moment in the film that could be easily missed.

At one point, Snuka's ex-wife Carole reveals that Jimmy couldn't read or write English, and so he'd sign contracts or other pieces of paper without knowing what they said. When pressed, Snuka said that he trusted "Brother Vinnie" (Vince McMahon) completely, but he wasn't who Carole was really worried about.

She was concerned when Snuka told her how others would come to him in the locker room or hallways before matches and ask him to sign pieces of paper. If he didn't, they said, then Jimmy wouldn't get paid for his work that evening. He was trusting, and it wouldn't have been difficult for some to take advantage of that trust.

Another interesting moment, one which ties into this, comes when Carole describes a meeting Jimmy had with McMahon and police back in 1983. It's alleged that Vince assured Snuka everything would be taken care of and had him sign an agreement from his briefcase.

VICE don't say (or seem to know) what that agreement said.

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Jimmy Snuka
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