10 Things We Learned From VICE's Dark Side Of The Ring: Chris Benoit
1. Jericho Brought Family Back Together

Remember that 'happy ending' that was described in the intro to this piece? It's sort of true, to a point.
Nancy's sister Sandra and Benoit's other son David hadn't spoken since a few weeks before the tragedy. Their pain was too raw, and they drifted apart despite being mega-tight family members beforehand. That didn't sit well with Chris Jericho (someone who Sandra labelled a "wrestling angel").
He helped bring Sandra and her nephew back together. There are several emotional scenes of the pair enjoying live pro wrestling again from the stands, hugging and speaking with Jericho backstage. It's touching stuff, especially when the cameras catch Sandra and Chavo Guerrero consoling David when he breaks down in tears.
At the end of the doc, Sandra even admits that she might someday forgive Chris Benoit for what he's done. She says that everyone deserves mercy, and thinks carrying about the hatred she has for 13 long years is "exhausting".
That's not an admission anyone could've been expecting going into VICE's two-parter.
What else did you learn from Dark Side Of The Ring: Chris Benoit? For more, check out 10 Wrestlers Who Suffered A Crippling Crisis Of Confidence and 10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE No Way Out 2000!