10 Things We Learned From WWE 24: Batista

5. Dave Thought He Was "That Bad Actor"

WWE 24 Batista
WWE Network

Growing up with the friends he did have, Batista would always rip on bad actors for their performances and find humour in their crappy attempts to feign emotion. Then, when he left WWE in 2010 and began pursuing a career in Hollywood, Dave had an epiphany: he was now one of them, and he didn't like it.

His first attempts to break into the movie biz were so brutal that they left him "humiliated".

Agents and other actors/actresses in the industry viewed him as a boneheaded wrestler who was trying to gatecrash their art form. Nonetheless, it wasn't the outside backlash and resistance that bothered Batista the most. No, it was the war he was fighting in his own mind that left him feeling depressed about it all.

In 24, Dave is super-hard on his first performances in action flicks like Wrong Side Of Town and My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done?. It wasn't until he bagged a role as Drax in Guardians Of The Galaxy that things finally started to work out for him in acting.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.