10 Things We Learned From WWE Untold: WCW's Big Bang

1. A WCW Employee Threatened To Ruin The Simulcast

Shane McMahon Vince McMahon Raw Nitro Simulcast

Just as you think the 'Untold' episode is winding down, along comes WWE new hire Jeremy Borash with a quite stunning story.

He remembers being in Panama City for the final Nitro and looking on as Shane McMahon addressed his father Vince over on Raw via simulcast. Earlier in the day, when WCW staff had caught wind of the simulcast idea, one of Borash's pals told him he planned to storm the ring on Nitro and ruin WWE's moment.

When push came to the shove, Borash looked over at this mystery man and told him not to think about doing it "because it's not worth it". Agreeing, the would-be invader decided to stay put and let the ongoing McMahon family melodrama play out. Can you imagine how much trouble this guy would've been in had he gone through with his scheme?

What's more, Borash doesn't go on to reveal anything else about this person. They may well be working in WWE today for all anyone else knows. That'd be something, and it's cool that Jeremy got to share this tale right before the end of the doc.

What else did you learn from WWE Untold: WCW's Big Bang? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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