10 Things We Learned Jim Cornette's WCW 1989 Timeline Kayfabe Commentaries Shoot

8. Midnight Express Were The Only Team The Road Warriors Jobbed To

Before departing for the WWF in 1990, The Road Warriors weren't really in the business of doing jobs to anybody, let alone teams who were physically smaller than them. Hell, Hawk and Animal didn't even really practice the art of selling, preferring to dominate their opposition and maintain the imposing aura which served them well throughout their run as a tag-team. According to Jim Cornette, The Road Warriors angered WCW management by arranging with The Midnight Express to put them over on a house show in Memphis shortly before departing to go work for Vince McMahon. It was pretty rare to see The Road Warriors be pinned in those days, but they did lay down for Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane, men they respected immensely. This directly went against booking orders, which had called for a Road Warriors win, even though Hawk and Animal were on their way out the door. Cornette laughs as he recalls the various distractions which 'protected' them in their loss to The Midnight Express, but still recognises that The Road Warriors didn't have to lose to anyone, and that it was a tremendous show of respect.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.