10 Things We Learned Jim Cornette's WCW 1989 Timeline Kayfabe Commentaries Shoot

7. Terry Funk Tried To Get Eddie Guerrero A Job In May

A friend of the Guerrero family, the legendary Terry Funk was interested in doing the infamous grappling clan a favour in 1989, organising a tryout match for the young Eddie Guerrero in May of that year. It's startling to think that Funk had already started to wind down his full-time in-ring career by '89, especially considering the fact that the 'middle-aged and crazy' veteran still occasionally works to this day. Funk would eventually return to the ring against Ric Flair in 1989, but not before tuning up against the green Eddie, who Cornette surmises was never really in the running to bag himself a full-time gig with WCW at the time. Citing his small stature as a major reason as to why he wasn't ever really considered, the iconic manager laughs during his shoot interview at the notion of WCW decreeing Guerrero would never be a star. Of course, Eddie would at last go on to become a major player in the industry, winning the WWE Title and becoming one of the most-treasured names in the entire business before tragically passing away in 2005. WCW would come calling years later, but it's fascinating to learn that Terry Funk tried to get him into the company as soon as possible.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.