10 Things Wrestling Fans Found Too Distracting

9. Raw's Guest Hosts

Seth Green John Cena triple H

Imagine WWE had decided to introduce a run of 'Guest Hosts' who'd appear via Skype/Zoom as one-off authority figures for Raw during the empty arena era. It'd suck, right? Then, imagine being one of the thousands of fans who paid for tickets to see the likes of Al Sharpton, Kyle Busch and Criss Angel a decade ago.

Thrill a minute, this was not.

Celebrities have value in pro wrestling (just look at Mike Tyson or Dennis Rodman for proof), but WWE's revolving door of weekly Raw hosts between 2009-2010 was painful to watch. Literally nobody needed to see Seth Green attempt to wrestle, or be asked to pretend that NASCAR drivers running the show for the night was essential programming.

The weekly guests distracted from the actual product. Storylines were pushed to the wayside in fan minds all because WWE wanted to portray their environment as the kind of celeb-friendly hub guys like David Hasselhoff desperately wanted to be part of.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.