10 Things WWE Are Getting Absolutely Right
3. Brock Lesnar's Universal Title Reign

Brock Lesnar will always divide opinion, particularly when he's a WWE title-holder. 'The Beast Incarnate's' relaxed schedule means fans who'd prefer a full-time champion are always going to throw shade at the company for strapping him, but it's hard to argue that his current reign hasn't been an improvement on what came before.
Kevin Owens was portrayed as one of the company's weakest wrestlers throughout his reign, while Goldberg's brief run served little purpose. Brock's, on the other hand, has successfully raised the belt's prestige to a level that his predecessors would never have matched. It feels like a legitimate prize for the first time in its existence, and while it would be nice to see him appear on Raw a little more often, Lesnar's paucity of appearances actually works in his favour.
The fact that Brock doesn't feature every single week makes it impossible to get burned out on him, and keeps his appearances special. Everything him and Paul Heyman do matters. They're not involved with mindless filler segments every week, and as a result, 'The Advocate' and his 'Beast' still feel like important acts.
WWE made the right decision in giving Brock the belt. Long may he reign.