10 Things WWE Are Getting Dead Wrong At The Moment

5. Every Single Thing About RETRIBUTION

Aleister Black Kevin Owens whipping boy

Every entry on this list could be an issue regarding RETRIBUTION. In classic WWE style, a group with so much promise and an interesting idea have been flushed down the toilet. One word sums up the run of RETRIBUTION so far, and that is Slapjack. Seriously.

To be fair, the members of the stable almost turned things around on their social media platforms, leaning right into how ridiculously goofy the whole angle had turned out. Then, WWE revealed Mustafa Ali as the sinister mastermind behind the group. Now, this could be a good move for everyone involved, and it would be amazing if they could become the real force they looked destined to be, instead of a diabolical version of rhe Nexus.

One game-changing, passionate promo from Ali would be enough to set the good ship RETRIBUTION back on course. They skipped that chance on the SmackDown after his big reveal, so hopefully, we will know more in the coming weeks. Oh, and either change Slapjack's name immediately or else make him a merciless, brutal animal that the rest of the group can barely contain. Irony.

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A huge fan of pop punk music, all the movies, Bray Wyatt, Shawn Michaels, and tea.