10 Things WWE Did Right At Payback

7. Another Excellent Tag Title Match Won By The New Day

There was some optimism about the Tag Team Title match that it might be the match of the night. It didn't end up working out that way, but it was one of the better matches for sure. Like most 2/3 Falls matches, they went to three falls. Kidd/Cesaro got the first fall with their swing into a dropkick move and then Big E hit the Big Ending with Kofi Kingston for the second fall. The third fall was a cheap one for the New Day because Xavier Woods went into the ring for an inside cradle even though it was Kofi that was supposed to be in the match. It was a crafty heel move that we've seen in wrestling before, but not by The New Day. It worked. What was most telling about the match was the crowd reaction. The fans hate The New Day for being these over the top heels who think they are out there spreading a positive message, but the audience just doesn't want to hear it. Kidd/Cesaro are a talented babyface team that is great at selling and even better on offense too. The right team won. The New Day need the titles more than Kidd/Cesaro now. It builds up New Day as a credible team that seems to find a way to get the big victory. Lucky for us, Elimination Chamber is going to feature these two awesome teams and several others, which is an example of how WWE has improved their tag team division in the last few months.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.