This is the part where we should insert the George Santayana quote and go all philosophical, but really, what would be the point? Everyone knew this was going to happen except WWE, or they did and went ahead with it anyway, which doesn't compute. Any scenario other than the fans' chosen warrior Daniel Bryan being the one to finally conquer The Beast Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania is evidence that Vince McMahon hates money. This isn't meant to sound like some entitled diatribe, it's just impossible to fathom what the company's motives are. Here's an appropriate analogy: In 1985 Coca-Cola introduced a new formula for their soft drink. They rolled it out to much fanfare and put an incredible amount of marketing might behind it. The public response was overwhelmingly negative and the classic formula was reintroduced just three months later. If Coca-Cola had been run by Vince McMahon, New Coke would still be sitting overstocked in grocery coolers around the world and their market share and profits would have dwindled to a fraction, all because he was determined to push the company's agenda at the expense of their paying customers. The worst part is that this just happened a year ago, with virtually the exact same scenario unfolding at the exact same event. That one was more forgivable because the grassroots Daniel Bryan support was still new. But this time around? There's no excuse for their ignorance and they had all this backlash coming. Anything else WWE did wrong at The Royal Rumble? Sound off in the comments.
Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.