10 Things WWE Did Wrong At The Royal Rumble

10. Putting The Ascension Over The Outlaws

There's nothing wrong with using retired veterans like The New Age Outlaws to give the rub to a young, up-and-coming duo that you want to push. Billy Gunn and Road Dogg themselves made their bones doing the very same to The Legion Of Doom when the roles were reversed 17 years ago. The problem lies in the fact that you've spent the last few weeks telling the fans that The Ascension aren't a team to be reckoned with, they're a bunch of geeks in ridiculous outfits. They've been booked against "local athletes", incessantly mocked on commentary and clowned on and beaten up by 60-year old men, yet all of a sudden we're supposed to forget all that and take them seriously? Why do all that in the first place if the goal was to build Konnor and Viktor up as monsters? And if the idea is to continue to paint them as losers, then why even bother having them go over in this match? Just let The NAO do their schtick and get the quick win to start the crowd off on a positive note. Especially considering what was coming later...

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.