10 Things WWE Did Wrong At The Royal Rumble

4. Giving The Heat To Kane & Big Show

Seriously, guys...it's 2015. Kane's been in WWE for 20 years; Big Show for 16, and yet despite having a roster full of young talent the fans want to see ascend the ladder the promotion chooses to continue to position these guys as top contenders. It's not their fault. Kane has always been a hard worker and immensely respected and Big Show seems like a great guy who loves the business, but they shouldn't be headlining cards at this point in their careers. Those Authority henchmen spots should be going to guys that need the heat and increase in profile: men like Cesaro, Big E. and Titus O'Neil. I sincerely doubt many fans are buying tickets to see Big Show's 37th heel/face turn and Kane wrestle in business-casual attire. It's absurd. So of course the last portion of the Rumble consists of these two running through everyone like monsters and being booked to be the most important people in the ring.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.