10 Things WWE Did Wrong At The Royal Rumble

3. Devaluing So Many Wrestlers

It's almost admirable in a wtf-did-I-just-watch sort of way how WWE was able to take so many performers who the fans desperately want to cheer and invest in and make them look even worse than they did going into the match. It's a miraculous feat to pull off. Let's review: Daniel Bryan - we've already covered this one. It's self-explanatory. Mizdow - After Bryan was dumped, there were only three people who drew cheers from the crowd and Mizdow was one of them. No one expected him to win but would it have killed them to have make a little run, only to increase Miz's jealously and lead to their eventual split? instead he enters to a huge ovation and gets tossed in 18 seconds. Dolph Ziggler - Another guy who the crowd was tremendously behind, so much so that an audible giving him the win wouldn't have been out of the question. He had a better showing that Mizdow - even managing to eliminate Bad News Barret and Cesaro, but ultimately was knocked unconscious and dumped over the top rope like a dead body by Kane and Big Show after a little more than 2 minutes. Dean Ambrose - The recipient of the worst booking in WWE over the last four months or so, Ambrose was the only other guy to bring the crowd back to life. He had a decent showing, making it to the final four, but again was ran roughshod over and tossed out like a sack of garbage. At least he didn't trip over the ropes and eliminate himself, which wouldn't be surprising considering how he's been booked. Roman Reigns - WWE took what should have been an awesome career-defining moment for one of their future top stars and turned it into an incident of ridicule that he may never recover from. All because of their stubbornness. Reigns deserves none of the backlash he's getting but unfortunately he's caught in the crossfire of the only feud WWE knows how to book effectively: them vs. their fans. So basically Seth Rollins is literally the only person who left The Royal Rumble in better standing that before it began. Pitiful.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.