10 Things WWE Failed To Learn From WCW's Demise

3. Flagship Show Running 3 Hours

There's a reason there are so many calls for WWE to return Monday Night Raw back to the old format of 2 hours, because many people realise the company are struggling to fill the airtime with meaningful segments. Raw would be a much tighter offering if that third hour wasn't tacked on, but thus that would diminish the advertising proceeds for the McMahon family. Nobody is claiming WWE shouldn't want to make more money, they are a business after all, but Raw often comes across similar to how WCW's Monday Nitro did when the decision was made to make that flagship run for 180 minutes. What is meant by this is that Raw lacks focus every week, there are times when it's clear that the writing staff don't know how to fill all the time at their disposal. It's no wonder that Smackdown is treated shabbily, because the creative staff must be totally burned out after putting together Monday Night Raw each week. Nitro had a lot of filler when it ran for 3 hours, and WWE have been flirting with that ever since beefing up their biggest weekly show.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.