10 Things WWE Failed To Learn From WCW's Demise

4. Celebrity Appearances That Fans Dislike

How many times during WCW's history did a celebrity show up and really impact fan interest? Guys like Dennis Rodman, Karl Malone and possibly even Jay Leno could be considered good examples, but there are far more in the 'why should we care' section. For example, lengthy musical interludes from the likes of Master P and Megadeth did absolutely nothing for fans, and WWE receives the same kind of backlash for regularly booking music acts to kill time at WrestleMania. There was a time when celebrities at 'Mania meant something, and even the ones that didn't at least had the courtesy not to take up so much time. WWE are treading dangerously close to WCW's mindset when it comes to celebrity. Famous people should not to be used willy nilly to simply kill time on broadcasts, they need to mean something for fans to care. Bumping matches from the biggest show of the year just so someone famous can strut on-screen is insufferable for the people paying money to see wrestling.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.