10 Things WWE Fans Expected To See In 2017 (But Didn't)

6. WWE Trying Another Miz Babyface Run

the miz

The Miz's attempt at a babyface run in 2013 was putrid. Go back to watch his cr*ppy use of Ric Flair's Figure Four and the way he pandered to every audience for evidence. That's not the Miz anyone should want to see on TV; when you're that good at being heel, you stay heel, right?

Maybe not, because fans responded to Miz like he was a God in 2017. If WWE didn't change one thing about his personality but had other heels gun for him, the father-to-be could turn out to be this generation's version of The Rock. If that sounds controversial, then just consider how good the man is with a microphone in his hand.

He has the catchphrases, the million-dollar look, the confidence and the ring experience to organically morph into a babyface without even trying. This has to be on the cards once Miz returns from his latest holiday, otherwise he'll continue playing Crash Test Dummy for every face who comes along.

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Baron Corbin
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.