10 Things WWE Fans Expected To See In 2017 (But Didn't)

5. Big Show's Retirement

The Big Show

If we're surprised that The Undertaker is still booked in for appearances in 2018, then we're downright astonished that Big Show remains part of the WWE product. He's out injured for the time being, but make no mistake, Show will be afforded another run on Raw or SmackDown once he recovers from hip surgery.

This isn't an attempt to bash Big Show's legacy or anything or the sort. Instead, it's genuine amazement that a man sent to developmental for being overweight way back in the year 2000 is still part of things 18 years later. Bumps in the road or not, Show has been around a long, long time and doesn't appear to be done yet.

Take a trip back to the turn of the millennium and ask wrestling fans how long the giant had left as a full-timer and they'd tell you it was a matter of years, not decades. Big Show has made a mockery of his prior self through hard work and the support of management, and that must be acknowledged.

He joined WWE 19 years ago. Think about that.

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Baron Corbin
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.