10 Things WWE Fans Expected To See In 2017 (But Didn't)

4. The New Day Splitting Up

The New Day

WWE shouldn't think about splitting The New Day any time soon. It'd be a colossal mistake, because the real-life friends have a zest and energy together that'd be hard to replicate by pushing them with others. Also, those Booty O's won't sell themselves, and who would dance better than Big E when Xavier Woods played his trombone?

Being sincere for a second (although Francesca II does provoke some killer moves from E), it's easy to forget that Big E was being pushed as a singles star before New Day came along. He was even Intercontinental Champ at one point in 2013. That, much like Kofi Kingston's aborted headline push in 2009, feels like a lifetime ago.

There must have been at least some temptation to see what E could achieve on his own once more. Creative meetings in WWE are surely filled by occasional ponderous comments like, 'what if Big E turned heel on New Day and struck out on his own again?'. It's a surprise that hasn't happened, and WWE have allowed the group to weave magic for almost four years.

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Baron Corbin
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.