10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Jushin Liger

2. He's Wrestled NXT And WWE Guys Before

With Liger appearing in NXT against Tyler Breeze, fans will inevitably begin fantasy booking Liger against some of NXT's biggest stars like Finn Bálor, Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe. What WWE fans should know is that Liger has already face all of these men before. Liger wrestled current NXT Champion Bálor on countless occasions in NJPW, in both singles, tags, six and eight man matches. Liger was one of the most important people in the former Prince Devitt's development during his time in the orient. The 'Shooting Star' has also clashed with Samoa Joe, losing to the Samoan Submission Machine at TNA's Bound for Glory 2005, an event that was (at the time) TNA's biggest PPV ever. Joe also teamed with Liger on a Ring of Honor card in 2004, helping to vanquish Low Ki (formerly WWE's Kaval) and Daniel Bryan. Liger squared off with Owens during a tour for Japanese promotion Dragon Gate. Although the two never had a singles match with another, they did clash in multi person tag matches. Then there's Neville and Hideo Itami, both of whom Liger has wrestled before. Indeed, Liger is no stranger to WWE/NXT and has locked horns with members of its roster in the past.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...