10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Jushin Liger

3. He Invented The Shooting Star Press

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoQJSOij3rs These days, every indie guy and their mother can do a shooting star press. Most of today's crop of indie talent would have grown up watching Marc Mero, Paul London, Evan Bourne and Billy Kidman executing the move. It is the belief of some that Kidman invented the move, however that is not the case. The move was actually invented by Liger, who copied the move from manga Fist of the North Star. After viewing the motion in the anime, Liger got to practising the move. After a day working with the aide of a crash mat, Liger had it down and debuted it in a late 80s match with Masakatsu Funaki. Liger used the move on many other occasions, before injuries slowed him down in the mid-90s, when he decided to remove the move from his arsenal. Don't expect to Liger to bust out an SSP in NXT!

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...