10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Rob Gronkowski

8. His Great Grandfather Was A Record-Breaking Cyclist

Rob Gronkowski Bike

Rob's father Gordon was a college football star who later went on to build a top-tier fitness equipment business off the field. Football is in his blood, but so is sporting success generally. WWE's most casual fans, who might be yawning their way through hype for Gronk, should know that he has Olympic blood in his veins.

His great-grandfather, Ignatius, competed at the 1924 Summer Games in Paris, France.

The celebrated cyclist went on to break no fewer than five world records in the sport. A quick look at Rob's Instagram page shows that he's pretty keen on cycling himself. It's not something he does professionally, but there are numerous shots of him indulging in some downhill biking, for example.

This is the kind of sh*t WWE adore. Don't be surprised if Michael Cole and Corey Graves wax lyrical about Ignatius, or the fact that Gronk himself likes the rush and adrenaline of extreme sports. If this was 1995, he'd be packaged as a "multi-sports athlete". Probably.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.