10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Rob Gronkowski

7. Rob's Dad Got Mojo Rawley Signed By WWE

Mojo Rawley

There's a reason Mojo Rawley has been quietly moved over to SmackDown so he can be there when Gronkowski debuts. The pair are real-life friends away from the ring, and they've known one another for well over a decade. Plus, Mojo should be able to help Rob settle in to WWE life on the road.

Rawley owes the Gronkowski family a lot. Rob's dad Gordon was the one who helped him get hired by the company in the first place. Gordon was roommates with Mike Rotunda at Syracuse, and the pair were teammates on the field. Mr. Gronkowski gave Mojo a leg up by getting in touch with Rotunda when he was working as a WWE agent.

That's how this 'Hype Bro' got his foot in the door.

Mojo has never forgotten that. He's said in several interviews over the years that he has tremendous respect for the Gronkowski household and credits Gordon for kick-starting a wrestling career he always wanted to try post-football.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.