10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About The XFL

3. The Season Itself Is Short But Sweet

Anyone who thinks the NFL's 16-week format (before the Playoffs) is a bit much will be delighted to know that the XFL aren't outstaying their welcome. McMahon's league will centre around a 10-week regular season and a two-week postseason Playoff sprint that'll run between 8 February-26 April.

The eight-team set up helps this, of course. Over in the NFL, league chiefs have 32 teams to juggle, and they do a wonderful job of getting things done and dusted between September-February every year. That six month format drops to two in the XFL, so even those wondering why the hell they should care won't have long to ponder their interest.

XFL football will be gone before fans know it.

This is a smart move. It would've been ambitious for McMahon to combat the NFL's established schedule with a lengthier one of his own, and he must know that the XFL has doubters before it even kicks off. A short-but-sweet style will (hopefully) make people miss the league when that first season finishes.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.