Steve Austin himself brought this up on his podcast with Vince McMahon last week, and Vince gave him a straightforward answer. It wasnt a matter of if, but when. If WWE fans had their way, the when would be next year. Along with Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage defined the WWF in the late 1980s and early 1990s, becoming the WWF Champion on two occasions and main eventing Wrestlemanias 4 and 5, while having the best match at Wrestlemania 7 and one of the best matches at Wrestlemania 8. Savage is the one name that was an absolute no-brainer to be in the Hall of Fame, but personal issues between him and Vince McMahon (as well as an apparent desire to go in as a member of the Poffo family with his father Angelo and his brother Lanny) had always held up the proceedings. After his untimely death in 2011, and coinciding with the release of his documentary this year, it looks like talks are finally in the works of getting Savage enshrined, and it could happen in 2015.