10 Things WWE Need To Bring Back

9. Halloween Havoc

40 Man Rumble

When WWE recently announced that they would be introducing a show called Clash of Champions, the internet was awash with rumours of major WCW shows being brought back to help with the influx of PPVs brought about by the Brand Extension. Unfortunately it wasn’t just the “the” in “Clash of Champions” that was missing, but a conviction to pull the trigger on this concept.

One of WCW’s most fondly remembered events was October’s Halloween Havoc with its tombstone and pumpkin motifs and garish colours. With WWE and its much maligned themed PPVs where marquee matches are paraded out until any mystique is beaten out of them by the deafening sound of millions of rolling eyes, a seasonal PPV could provide a theme whilst still allowing for a wider variety.

WWE doesn’t exactly have the best track record of being subtle or even tolerable when it comes to season centric offerings - let us not forget those Thanksgiving gravy bowl matches or Christmas street fights. The Halloween Havoc PPV could offer the perfect opportunity for WWE to flex more traditional seasonal humour whilst still giving a good balance of quality, unrelated in-ring action.

WWE’s recent Halloween-centric PPV was Hell in a Cell and all we were treated to was a strange Ouija board video package more suited for a supernatural superstar than what we had on the card. This was simply an example of WWE going too far the other way and, put simply, Halloween Havoc is the perfect PPV to add colour, character, and an established lineage to WWE.

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Royal Rumble
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I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!