10 Things WWE Need To Get Right On The Road To WrestleMania

7. Establish Rusev As A Heel

Since making his full-time main roster debut the night after WrestleMania, Rusev has been one of the WWE€™s brightest new prospects and one of the biggest success stories from the revamped NXT. His rise through the ranks, from Zack Ryder to John Cena was organic and told a gripping story, but there€™s one major aspect WWE overlooked. There€™s very little about Rusev that makes him a heel, as he€™s proud of his country, fights honourably and doesn€™t let anyone disrespect his ladyfriend. The only thing that makes Rusev a heel is his nationality, but if you swap out Russia from America, you€™d be describing someone more similar to Hulk Hogan. Luckily, heading into WrestleMania, WWE seem set to fix this one flaw in their storytelling, and Rusev resorting to a lowblow to defeat John Cena at Fastlane was the sort of underhanded tactics he needs to be doing more to establish himself as a heel. WWE is a worldwide organisation, and to many people watching, America isn€™t a very nice place and it doesn€™t take much for them to side against the USA, so making Rusev a bad person is essential on the Road to WrestleMania. If he can continues these acts of cowardice and desperation in the run up to his rematch with John Cena, they€™ll have a potential show-stealer on their hands.

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