10 Things WWE Need To Get Right On The Road To WrestleMania

6. Cut To The Chase With Randy Orton

Randy Orton is an anomaly in wrestling, in that he has all the tools and is an incredibly gifted performer, but there€™s something about him that€™s also quite boring and forgettable. He goes through really interesting bouts of relevancy, but for one reason or another, is never quite able to make it stick, despite one of the top stars for over a decade. Late last year, WWE were handed a golden opportunity with the popularity of #RKOOuttaNowhere Vines, six second videos of people falling over, but with Randy Orton added in, RKO-ing them to the ground. Suddenly, Orton€™s popularity was skyrocking, so naturally WWE took him off TV for four months while he filmed The Condemned 2. Before Orton was taken off TV, he was caught in a power struggle within The Authority, with their newest hand-picked golden boy, Seth Rollins. Although Rollins took him out, and Orton returned to enact his revenge as Fastlane, for some reason the next night on Raw, WWE decided they weren€™t done telling the power struggle story and Orton rejoined The Authority. Frankly, it€™s insulting to the viewer€™s intelligence, as anyone who has watched half a second of wrestling knows this is heading to Randy Orton v Seth Rollins as WrestleMania. Fans organically wanting to cheer Randy Orton is a very rare occurrence, so they need to stop wasting everyone€™s time and get to the feud everyone knows is coming.

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