10 Things WWE Need To Get Right On The Road To WrestleMania

5. Bray Wyatt: The New Face Of Fear

Bray Wyatt has been drawing comparisons to The Undertaker since he first debuted the character way back in FCW. Both men carry themselves with effortless gravitas, and their commitment to their roles is second to none, no matter how goofy they may seem on paper. For the past month, Bray Wyatt has been referring to a mysterious figure, telling him to €œFind me!€ and at Fastlane, the WWE Universe discovered that as many suspected, it was The Undertaker. Bray Wyatt has declared himself €œThe New Face of Fear€ and denounced The Undertaker for losing his mystique and no longer being the Phenom he once was. Now, with WrestleMania a month away and a match between the two still not officially signed, WWE really need to play into Bray Wyatt as the successor to The Undertaker. He€™s pulled out some truly terrifying stunts in the past, including the spider-walk and the lamb faced children€™s choir, but if WWE really wants to get Wyatt over the €œThe New Face of Fear€ they need to ramp that up. Four weeks is more than enough to prove that Wyatt is every bit the equal to The Undertaker, and possibly even his better. For the first time in years, there€™s suspense and doubt as to whether The Undertaker will win at WrestleMania, and WWE can play into that and build a new icon that can last for decades just as The Deadman has.

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