10 Things WWE Need To Get Right On The Road To WrestleMania

4. Make The Intercontinental Title Relevant Again

When talking about The Intercontinental Championship, the WWE commentators always talk about the rich history of the titles. Names like Pat Patterson, Mr. Perfect and €œStone Cold€ Steve Austin are thrown around as legendary figures to hold the title, but all this focusing on the past only highlights how dire the current Intercontinental scene is, and has been for years. It seems that whenever someone wins the Intercontinental Championship, their momentum is immediately halted with distraction finishes and roll-up losses. At this point, the Intercontinental Championship is a hot potato that no-one in their right mind would want, lest they get burned by it as well. It doesn€™t help that the actual champion usually looks incompetent and unworthy of the belt, a trend which is continuing right now. With Bad News Barrett unable to even keep possession of the physical title, it makes him seem useless and downright bad at his job, so anyone that beats him just defeated a known loser, and if he wins, the good guy just got beaten by a known loser, it€™s a lose-lose situation. Heading into WrestleMania, WWE have a chance to correct that perception and make the Intercontinental Championship something of value again. There€™s very few matches with higher stakes than a Ladder Match, and having someone the calibre of Daniel Bryan actively competing for the title automatically makes it seem like something worth having again.

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